Sunday, September 2, 2012


 We have been home for a week now, but I haven't even been up to blogging because I have been sick with the most awful cough of my life.  I have had a sore throat, congestions, wheezing, and coughing up a lung.  I did go to the Dr and he wasn't sure if it was allergies or something else.  Anyway he gave me an antibiotic which I have been taking.  I am feeling much better but not well yet.  My lungs have been pretty bad and the Dr said that I have a lot of wheezing in both upper and lower parts of both lungs.  He gave me a cough syrup which cost $32.00 dollars.  I about fainted.  Then he also prescribed an inhaler.  That was almost $50.00.  I just couldn't buy that, so they are holding it for me.  If I'm not better completely in a couple of days, I will go and get it.  It just doesn't seem right that when you are young and working and feeling well, you have the best insurance.  Then you retire and get sick and have medicare and your coverage is horrible.  Then we're facing Obamacare which is the worse, most awful plan.  I usually do not get politically heated up, but let's face it. Who in their right mind would want to elect Obama again?   Let's look at his track record.  And yet, he and Romney are neck in neck.  I just hope that the public will make the right decision for our nation and vote for Romney.  Ok there's my political rant.
On to more pleasant things.  We sadly left Anna and her family and drove on over to Lancaster. We first went to our old friends the Ferraris.  I cannot believe that Chuck is 87 years old.  He is so spry and sharp and looking good.  He is still teaching math at the college every morning.  Judy is doing well too although she is having a few health challenges.  We had such a fun visit with them.  We talked about old times, played games, Judy and I went to Walgreens where I got a Shingles shot and she got the flu shot (HaHa real fun), and we had a very pleasant time together.   After dinner they were invited to a wedding reception and invited us along since we would know so many of the guests.  We did go and had  a blast.  We saw so many people that we hadn't seen in years.  It was wonderful.  Sister Young, the gal who got married remembered us right away.  She had been Stake Primary Pres and I knew her a little bit from mtgs and she remembered me from that too.  She also immediately recognized John from serving as Stake Patriarch.  I was surprised because we just barely knew each other, but it was sure nice.  I was having so much time talking with first one person and then the next, that I totally forgot to take a single picture.

The next day we went to Daisy's family reunion.  Since we know almost all of her family really well I was happy to go when she invited us.  It was so nice to see some people that we know an  d haven't seen for years.  
 Theron and his wife Charlotte, Daisy's sister, live in Maryland.  They came out with their daughter Cherise and her baby.  They are doing really well.  The "boys" Daisy's brothers are not doing so well.  They are having a really hard time.  I feel so badly for them.  Things seem to be getting a little bit better, so hopefully little by little things will go back to normal.
 Sally and Norm, Daisy's brother, were our dear friends before we even met Daisy.  We haven't seen them for years and years.  It was so wonderful to spend some time with them.  They are doing great.  They lived in Texas for quite a few years and now are back living in Temecula.  Jeremy is Natalie R's son.
 Valerie is Natalie's daughter.  I kept the photos because they were in them.
                                                Here's a great photo of Sally and Norm.
 Can't believe how big Dom is.  He has applied to the Marine's and will be going in very soon.  Yeslin is his little fiance.
 Usually when we go to Lancaster we stay with Daisy, but because she has so many relatives visiting and staying with her this time we stayed with Kyle, her son, and his wife AnneMarie.  They always invite us over and this time we took them up on it.  They were so nice and so hospitable to us.  When we first got to their apt, Kyle opened the fridge and told us that they went to the farmers market and got all of this lovely fruit.  "I know Bro. Arhets loves fruits so we got this.  Eat all you want."  Next he went to one of the cupboards and pointed out the ibuprofen, honey, vitamins, etc and again invited us to  take whatever we needed.  They showed us the bedroom and Kyle said that they put up a little step stool just for me because the bed is up so high.  We laughed and AnneMarie said that it was because I was vertically challenged.  I reminded them that I was really "tall" and we had a good little laugh again.  We enjoyed visiting with them and appreciate how welcoming they were.

 Here's Sarah with her new baby Jayden who will be 1 in a couple of weeks.  It was my first time meeting him.
  Natalie is planning to move to Arkansas.  We'll see if she actually does.  She is looking really good.
Kyle with John in Daisy's kitchen.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Daisy.  We were celebrating her birthday this evening and I only got 3 pictures.  I need to stop chatting with people and start doing better at photo taking.

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