Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day 2012

 Our Labor Day began when we all met up with Sara at Kneaders for a delicious breakfast.  The weather was so pleasant and we decided to sit outside to eat.  Kneaders is always packed with people because the food is so good.  So, while people were ordering I went onto the patio and reserved some seats for us.  We had some pleasant conversations and the food was great.  Sara is leaving for Hawaii where she will be living permanently on a farm.  She will be living in a tent and farming.  I certainly wish the best for this darling girl, but personally I would not want to live in a tent.  I'm sure it's going to be a great adventure for her.  I just hope she doesn't get influenced by those who do not have her best interests in mind.  We love Sara so much and have since she was just a beautiful little girl.  She is like one of our own.  I hope that she will be able to decide what she wants to do with her life and pursue it and fulfill her wishes.  She has already spent to years in the Peace Corps. She is a college graduate.  Now she just needs to find her niche.  
 After breakfast everyone got ready to go to this little lake (really just a pond) by our house.  Correas and Brandts along with Sara went there to feed the ducks, go kayaking, and just enjoy the beach.  Brandts brought there kayaks and they all loved it.  Reggie especially had a ball out on the kayak.

 Papa and I stopped by for a few minutes to give Tate and Dani their b'day presents.

Here is the cute little family. They are waiting for Penny to make her arrival.  She is due to make her appearance any day now.  

 After that we drove down to Val's who had invited us to picnic with some of their friends.  Here are some of the kids dancing on the tables.  Isn't that what empty tables are for?
                                                                  Randy barbecuing.
                                                       Val and her friends chatting.

 This float came by and stopped so the future Miss Spanish Fork girls went to get a closer look
 The driver lifted them all up onto the float.  Their little manager got to go on the float too.
                                                                  Papa and Spence
                          Some of the girls couldn't wait to eat and had to take some little samples.
                                                      The guys kicked the ball around.
 After everyone ate, all 3 families went to play a game of baseball.  It was soooooo hot that Papa and I just put our chairs in the shade and watched.  Papa also read aloud to me while I did some knitting.
 After the game we went to Val's house where the kids had to finish their homework.
 Jojo made a snack for her, Kenz, and me which we ate after we played a fun game of croquet.

                                             Then we had an acrobatics/trampoline show.


                                                               Jojo in the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to be outdone, Kenz has her turn.

                                                              Take One
                                                                Take Two
                                                                  Take Three

I can't seem to catch her in the air.

                                               She did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I got it.
After all of that exercise, everyone came outside.  Val read scriptures to us and we discussed them and then we went inside and played a game for FHE.  It was the end of a very fun day.

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