Yesterday it rained all day and so the drive to the office was especially slow. The drivers here are terrible too. Everyone cuts in and out. If the light turns red, they speed up to go through it. No turning right on red. Lots of blinking lights both yellow and red, signs we don't know yet. We are taking a crash course in driving in Montreal. The streets are beautiful. There are many beautiful streets and boulevards that are lined with trees on each side. Many of the leaves are starting to turn colors. Many of the houses are beautiful too.
Many, many houses and apartments have balconies.
Today was a beautiful day with no rain and very pleasant weather. Here is the same drive with no rain.
There are lots of houses with very, very steep stairs.
A photo of the church office building. The office is on the 3rd floor. The middle window, above the red car, is where my desk is.
By the office most of the buildings have these winding stairways going up three or four floors. They look pretty, but are very slippery and dangerous in the winter. And it gets really cold here I understand. Many days with below 0 temps. I'm hoping for a mild winter like last year.
It's a lot of fun to see all the different architecture.
Natalie, I just love all the photos and explanations of what we are seeing. Thank you for sharing your mission with us. You are such an inspiration!