Thursday, October 25, 2012

A few days

 One evening after the office work was done, the Conways took us and the LeVitre's out to dinner at a little restaurant a few blocks from the office.  We loved the company and sure appreciated all the teaching the LeVitre's gave us and how nice everyone has been.  It is so easy to work with the Conways.  They are always friendly and pleasant
 This is the Montreal Temple.  It is very tiny, but very pretty.  We had a personal tour of the temple from President Galbreth.
 Here we are with the LeVitre's and John Paul, the Church's fleet coordinator over Eastern Canada and
part of the U. S.

Almost everything in Montreal is very expensive.  Last week we went shopping and came home with these items.  It cost us $50.00 including the treats in the photo below.  

                                 The Napoleon and the Black Forest cake were oh so yummy!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing pictures of temples! The Montreal Temple is beautiful!

    Yikes, it would practically kill me to pay those prices for groceries!
